(NOTE: This is part 4 of a 5-part series of posts. If you missed part 3, click here.) Have you ever had some kinda problem… some kinda issue… something that was bugging you… but you had no clue how to solve it? Or that it could be solved in the first place? But one day,…
A Case Study For Every Stage of Awareness, Part 3: Solution Aware
(NOTE: This is part 3 of a 5-part series of posts. If you missed part 2, click here.) In the first two parts of my series, A Case Study For Every Stage of Awareness, we covered the two stages where customers know at least some information about your product. The goal was to provide more…
A Case Study For Every Stage of Awareness, Part 2: Product Aware
(NOTE: This is part 2 of a 5-part series of posts. If you missed part 1, click here.) If you read part 1 of my A Case Study For Every Stage of Awareness series, you’d know that Most Aware customers are nearly always concerned with price. But not really. It’s value they care about. Read…
A Case Study For Every Stage of Awareness, Part 1: Most Aware
There’s a book many copywriters covet. It’s written by a direct response legend, it costs over $100 (and is easily worth many times that)… and it’s hard to get because copywriter and marketer Brian Kurtz has exclusive rights to sell it. I’m talking about Breakthrough Advertising by the legendary Eugene M. Schwartz, of course. And…
6 Great Places To Use Case Studies… That Aren’t a “Case Studies” Page
Go to any marketing-savvy business’s website, and I bet you they have a page (or several) chock-full of (hopefully) beautiful and compelling case studies. That’s a good first step. Case studies let prospects see, in full detail, exactly how you help people like them. They can put themselves in the happy customer’s shoes and see…