Which Part of Your Funnel Should You Optimize First?

Funnels are nice. You create them once, then let them do their thing — sell to your customer on autopilot. Well, not indefinitely. You can always squeeze a little more revenue out of your funnel. You can always nudge your click-throughs on that email sequence just a tiny bit higher. You can always keep your…

How Many Lead Magnets Should You Have?

The humble lead magnet is invaluable to your marketing if you believe in email. Which you should, of course. But anyway, many people have 1 lead magnet… but no more than that. I’m here to tell you that if that’s you, you’re missing out. You could make some more lead magnets to great benefit. But…

4 Simple “Revenue Leaks” In Your Business and How to Fix Them

What if I told you… Your business was leaking revenue like a burst pipe? It’s true — at least if you’re missing a few key elements within your funnels. Making these rather simple fixes could potentially earn you a healthy chunk of change on autopilot. Read on to learn more: 1. Automated Email Sequences Automated…

How to Create REAL Urgency and Scarcity When Selling Digital Products

People want what they can’t have. Thus, urgency and scarcity (arguably a type of urgency) are time-tested tactics for nabbing extra sales… When it’s not scammy or dishonest, of course. And that’s where physical products have an advantage over digital ones. You can sell out of physical product inventory if it’s hot. You can intentionally…

Mindset Shift: Your Business’s Most Important Asset

I’ve always been a numbers nerd and a personal finance person. I studied accounting in college (sorry, I can’t do your taxes). I “get” money, investing, returns, and all that jazz. As a businessperson, you probably grasp it as well. And if you think you don’t, trust me: You at least grasp it marginally better…

A Great “Hidden Gem” of Market Research And Copy Ideation

At the heart of any offer and/or promotion lies market research. If you don’t know your customer well, you don’t know how to sell to them. So if you can get your hands on more sources of customer data and information, it follows that you can potentially make more money. With that said, here’s a…

The Right Way to Call Out Your Target Market in a Headline

The fate of your entire sales letter, web page, email, advertorial, or blog article… It all rests on the headline. Ok, a little dramatic, and not entirely true, but your headline will be the first thing the reader sees. It damn well better grab them by the eyeballs and yank them down the page. Now,…

Here’s Why Your Copy Should Turn People Off

You know what gets the people going? Drama. Strong opinions. Firm stances on issues. Lots of emotions backed by a little bit of logic. This is a vital truth to know when writing copy that truly serves as an asset to your business. You see, your copy should be outrageous (within ethical, legal, professional, and…

Stop Being Clever In Your Headlines (For Now)!

Gene Schwartz once said, “Your headline has only one job — to stop your prospect and compel him to read the second sentence…“ And yet, plenty of businesses write headlines that fail this primary objective. You can probably guess why from my headline, but read below for the full explanation. Clarity > Cleverness (and Vague…