A Simple Cure For Writer’s Block and The “Curse of Knowledge”

photo of person holding alarm clock

Writer’s block. We’ve all been there. Especially me, since, you know, I’m a writer and all that. Statistically more likely to happen.

Search the ‘Net for a solution, and your preferred search engine will bombard you with advice articles, Quora answers, and Reddit threads full of tips and techniques for hacking through writer’s block.

Those can work pretty well, but I’ve got a much simpler idea I think you should try.

Here’s the good part.

You enjoy doing this activity.

You already do it every day, but you might not do it enough.

Here it is:

Sleep On It!

Yes. This is your reason to get more sleep. It could help you make more money.

Let me explain.

Simply stepping away from the desk has helped plenty of writers generate ideas and break through writer’s block or improve a piece of writing — whether they’re still writing or editing the piece.

The theory is that getting away from your work lets your brain rest while your subconscious connects all sorts of seemingly unrelated things…

Creating ideas.

But speaking of rest, lots of studies show that sleep is integral to solving all sorts of problems, including ideation.

I could cite them here, but it’s pretty apparent how essential sleep is for everything. There are books written on this (Matthew Walker’s Why We Sleep is an excellent place to start.)

Anyways, sleep doesn’t just let you step away from the desk…

But during sleep, your body undergoes all sorts of restorative physical and mental processes.

Some of that includes processes relevant to memory and creativity.

The benefits are similar for editing. Sleeping lets you come back with a fresh mind and set of eyeballs to scan a finished piece.

You’ll find areas to tighten up.

You’ll spot sections you can remove or rearrange.

You’ll catch grammar and spelling errors.

Regardless, a good night’s could be one of the best techniques to improve your copy.

Or, really, help you solve any logjam you’ve hit in your business.

But I digress.

Many of the greatest copywriters have used this strategy. They would finish writing, then step away from the desk for the rest of the day and head to bed at bedtime.

The next morning, they’d trim the fat from their sales letter to create a tight, punchy, compelling final product that would sell bajillions of $$$ of product.

Your Permission to Sleep

This isn’t a strict writing lesson, per se. But entrepreneurs shoulder a lot of responsibility — getting good sleep can help with all of it, including your marketing and copywriting.

But if you want someone else to do that part for you…

So you can get more sleep and sleep better for each of those hours…

Reach out to me today.