An Underrated Element For Service Providers to Put in Their Case Studies

white dry erase board with red diagram

All case studies follow the same general structure: Client background, problem, solution, results, etc.

And through this structure, your reader can see a real-life example of what you could do for them.

If you’re a service provider, though, there’s another element you’ve got to weave throughout your case studies. The latter half, at least.

And adding this element can help you get more of the customers you want (and presell them more easily) while turning away those you don’t — all on autopilot.

That element would be…

Your process.

Why Detail Your Process So Thoroughly?

1. Helps You Get More Favorable Clients/Customers

You have a dream client. They’re the imaginary (or sometimes real client) you wish you had 1,000 of. Well…

Detailing your process in a case study can help you out there. Those clients you want can see your process outside of being an abstraction on your website. The ones that like and respect your process can more easily choose to move forward with you.

Some clients are a little more… how do we say… difficult than others.

You have a process in place you use with every client, including them. They even agree to the process.

But later, they start asking for (or demanding) modifications to your process. You do so, turn out a poor quality work product, then they blame you for it.

Now, there’s something to be said about being flexible with clients. But if you have a process you know works, you shouldn’t alter the core elements that much.

A case study lets you detail that process in real life. It’s much more grounded. Your prospect isn’t imagining your process in a vacuum. They can see how things would actually look when working with you.

And if those prospects don’t like how your process works, they don’t have to hire you — and you don’t have to waste precious time or money screening that prospect out.

2. Presells Your Prospects

Showing your process also makes your clients excited. It helps them envision, concretely, how you guys will work together to achieve those amazing results.

You can walk them through how you helped Client X go from problem -> solution in all the gory details.

Instead of, “Client X had a problem, this is what our solution was, and this is the result…”

It takes them on a journey to that result.

3. Makes You Look More Professional

Showing your process in action makes you look like an authority. There’s no guesswork — you’re an expert who has a full handle on what you’re doing.

You may feel that way already, but the more clearly you convey that to the prospect, the better.

Not only will this make them eager to work with you…

But you may find you can start raising your prices because you look so authoritative.

Show Your Process in Action

As a professional services provider, more transparency is almost always good. And with a case study, you can add transparency to your process. In doing so, you’ll attract the best clients and make them eager to pay you while turning away the ones you don’t want.

If you want some help with that, though…

Contact me today!