Here’s Why Your Copy Should Turn People Off

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You know what gets the people going? Drama. Strong opinions. Firm stances on issues. Lots of emotions backed by a little bit of logic.

This is a vital truth to know when writing copy that truly serves as an asset to your business.

You see, your copy should be outrageous (within ethical, legal, professional, and personal reason, of course). It should turn off people.


Well, there are at least two sides to everything. You’re guaranteed to be on one side of every issue your market faces, whether within the market itself or outside.

Fitness is a great example. People happily do intellectual battle over what kind of exercise/style/routine/diet/20 other issues is best. If you, say, take a strong anti-Crossfit stance, you bet you’ll gain some points with the Crossfit-hating crowd.

Depending on your market and personality, this can mean straight-up insulting some people. Brands do it all the time and make a killing. I’m on some of their lists.

To pick on poor Crossfit again: that can mean making fun of Crossfit movements and routines. I’m no advocate of being mean, but brands do this regularly, and their customers (the ones that make them money, anyways) love it.

But enough about the what. Let’s look at some concrete moolah benefits of being a bit *controversial* in your copy.

Optimizes Your Ad Budget

Using PPC ads? Remember that every click costs you $$$. If you have irrelevant searchers landing on your ads, you’ll spend that $$$ without getting a return.

Bold copy in the initial ad turns away those who might not be totally on board with your brand. You “screen out” the potential customers that may not align with your brand values or need your product as much.

Boosts Customer Lifetime Value

Taking a stance and being decisive will turn off those that disagree with you… but those that love your takes and brand voice will want to continue buying from you. They’ll want to support what you’re doing and feel more connected to your brand.

Meanwhile, “bad fit” customers might even benefit from your initial offer, but who knows how long they stick around afterward.

Creates Fierce Brand Advocates

Going off the last point: being decisive and even a bit dramatic builds fierce brand loyalty and pride. Some of your customers will aggressively market your company and brand to other people who take the same stances. They’ll be proud to associate with a brand with values and opinions and doesn’t compromise on them.

Bold Copy For Bold Sales

Standing firm on your brand’s values and mission can feel uncomfortable when you’re trying to draw as much money as possible.

But you can’t please everyone — so you may as well turn off the people who wouldn’t want to be your customers. You’re just as likely to get customers that love you in place of those that don’t.

Oh, and if you need copywriting service, contact me today.