Sundown Security & Sound

Sundown Security & Sound is a Southeast Michigan company that provides security, life safety, and audio solutions to residential and commercial customers. 

Sundown security & sound


Sundown Security & Sound prides itself on its top-notch products and high level of customer service. They were launching their website and wanted to be sure that their copy explained their services and while conveying their dedication to customer satisfaction. I was happy to help, as I’m passionate about local businesses and I know the owner.


Sundown hired me to write their website copy. I worked with Dallas, the man in charge of Sundown’s digital marketing.

I interviewed Dallas. Since I hadn’t written in this niche prior to this project, I had a lot of questions. I learned about Sundown’s services, the products they use, how each of their customer projects works, and so on.

By learning about the business, industry, target market, and competitors, I was able to write copy that spoke to both residential and commercial customers.

I wrote copy for every service page except for automation. Below is the page for Security. 


Before the site launched, I worked with Sundown to make sure the copy lined up with how I had envisioned it while writing.  I also polished the About Us page readability and flow.

Once Sundown launched the site, Dallas was pleased with how the copy looked on the page and sounded as he read it. My copy helped Sundown jump start its online presence and bring in a steady stream of leads. 

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