About Me

Hello! I’m Bradley Schnitzer, I’m a freelance writer currently based in Texas. I specialize in helping brands boost sales and increase customer lifetime value with email. I’ve created bylined and ghostwritten blog posts, articles, web copy, and in-app content. I help brands in financial publishing, accounting, online business opportunity, real estate, DTC e-commerce and other spaces. You can find some of my best samples and other good stuff in my portfolio.
What was I before I began my freelance writing career? An accountant, believe it or not. I’ve always been decent with numbers — but I’ve also always been pretty good with words, too. Ever since about second grade, I’ve dabbled in writing here and there, mostly as a hobby. In college, I spent a semester writing weekly columns for my university newspaper. It paid, yes, but I enjoyed sharing my thoughts on campus goings-on.
Then I graduated with an accounting degree, got an accounting job, and launched my freelance writing business on the side only weeks after signing the hiring documents.
Fast forward 9 months, and I left that job and jumped headfirst into freelance writing — and I haven’t looked back.
And I love it. My impact on the world feels much greater. As a freelance writer, your business is my business — I only succeed if you succeed.
With that said, hire me if you’re interested.